Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Choir Retreat

Last month, the choir headed out to Badger Creek for some quality bonding time at our retreat. In preparation for Ghana, we were able to use the time for intense rehearsals, as well as some unity building. Friendships were made, as well as some amazing music! We are so grateful to the Badger
creek staff for allowing us to come take over- which is no small task with 50 choir members! Between singing, staying up late, sledding and team building activities in the snow, our choir grew closer together. When we got on the bus to go home, we did so as a more unified group and are all better for it. This unity was the kickstart to helping us accomplish our mission of bringing people closer to our Savior while we are in Ghana (and to those who come to our concerts here in Rexburg this semester). We aren't there 100% yet, but we will get there and our lives will be blessed when we meet those amazing people in Africa.

Pease enjoy some fun pictures from our trip!

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