Sunday, April 7, 2013

Combined BYU and BYU-Idaho Singers Concert

We had the privilege of hosting the BYU Singers, from Provo, UT, last month. They came up and our two choirs participated in a concert that packed the Barrus Concert Hall for two days in a row. It was an amazing experience to sing with one of the country's top choirs. 

BYU Singers & BYU-Idaho Collegiate Singers
Dr. Staheli & Dr. Kempton

Combined Singers performing "I Love The Lord" directed by Randall Kempton
Rhett Jaramillo, from our Collegiate Singers choir, explained, "I felt very humbled this weekend with the concert. I went into it being very scared and intimidated by the BYU Singers. The only thing I could think about was the problems in each song that I had and the fact that maybe I wasn't good enough. The lesson I felt from this was that maybe some of the Singers felt inadequate as well. We all see our own problems and our own mistakes. Sometimes, we need to realize that. We all feel inadequate at one time or another. Like we don't belong or that everyone around us is so much more perfect that us. But we only see our mistakes. People don't walk around with signs around their necks listing their shortcomings  We must remember that no one is perfect. We all need Christ. Once we realize that no one is perfect we no longer feel inadequate and can go on and learn in the Spirit."

These are lessons we're learning to take with us to Ghana. We all, no matter where we are in this world, need Christ. 

BYU-Idaho Collegiate Singers performing "I Bought Me A Cat"
"...My hen says shimmy shack!"

Some of the BYU Singers members mentioned how happy they were to be in Rexburg and at BYU-Idaho. They thoroughly enjoyed the dual concerts and they thought our rendition of "I Bought Me a Cat" was a hit! After our combined lunch with the singers on Saturday, Dr. Staheli answered questions about his trip to Ghana from over 10 years ago. He wishes us Godspeed and much success as we head into our final preparations this week and also wishes he could join us! 

BYU Singers

The concerts were a success and we can't wait to spend more time singing with the Singers! To all those who came to join us in our concert, thank you. 

Click on these links to watch the Friday and Saturday concerts:

1 comment:

  1. It was such a great experience to be able to perform together with them.
