Monday, January 21, 2013

Reflections on the Tour

I'm currently in the air, flying over a snowy wasteland north of the Hudson Bay and west of Greenland.  Wouldn't want to have a crash landing here!  I'm having some reflections on the tour I wanted to share.   (And I'll insert a few pictures so those of you with short attention spans won't get bored--you know who you are!)
Cool lizard in Volta River Region
This trip has been quite humbling for me.  So many people are working behind the scenes to make it all happen.  The West Africa Area Presidency, with whom we met on our last evening in Ghana, is very aware of us and very anxious that our visit do much to strengthen the members of Ghana and move forward the Lord's purposes here.  I've already posted about the importance of the trip to the Pathways students.  And local priesthood leaders everywhere are excited about our trip and praying that what we do will make a lasting difference to their members.  They will be working as hard on their end to prepare the ground for us as we are working to prepare a great program for them.  They are a humble, happy people!
On top of this, I am more aware than ever before that the school and Church is putting forth a significant expenditure of money and time to make this trip happen.  (Oh yes, it is costing much more than the $1200 each of you will be paying; your contribution doesn't even cover the airfare.)   I feel a great weight of responsibility to rise to the level of the expectations.  I will confess to you that I wonder if I am big enough, good enough, for this task. 
In a way, the answer is, not one of us is really big enough or good enough for this task.  In fact, we are pretty small.  Thankfully, I am confident that the Lord is in charge of this tour and will not let us fail.  We saw His hand beginning to be revealed in some of the things we did, some of the experiences we had.  I think we will see much more evidence of His participation IF we will "thrust in our sickle with our might" in our preparations.  As we do, our faith will grow and we will be lifted in the ways we need to be lifted. 

Typical homes along the highways, mountain region near Aburi

I am excited about this prospect—about beginning to work and learn by faith what the Lord wants us to sing, what message He wants us to present, and how He wants us to present it.  Some of my previous ideas may need to be rethought.  I'm not sure even now what our final program or itinerary will look like, but I have a renewed desire to dedicate my own creative energies to our music with the hope that my efforts will be guided, as were Nephi's, one step at a time, "not knowing beforehand…"  I hope you will feel the same way, and will enjoy the journey of faith with me—not knowing beforehand, perhaps, exactly what your role will be, but willing to discover it during the course of this semester.
This tour is about so much more than singing a few concerts and visiting a new country!  It is much bigger than us! 
Ready for the ride to begin?
Love, BroK

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