Friday, January 18, 2013

Venues in Ghana

Post number 2, this one about venues we have located.  None of these are set in stone and may change.  But it may be interesting to you to see some of the places we may sing, and the variety of stages we will likely perform on.  The first picture is of the Great Hall at the University in Kumasi,
where we may share the stage with a local choir or two.
Great Hall, Kumasi University

Community Center in Kumasi.  Live acoustic, beautiful venue.

MTC Ghana, in Tema near Accra.  This would be our last day in the country; we would do a brief devotional with the missionaries.

The auditorium at Cape Coast University, discovered today.

Catholic church near Kpong.  This one is less likely.

That's really all for today; it's midnight and I need to get to bed for our day tomorrow in Takoradi and back to Accra.  Many hours in the car.  Perhaps more about the car trips tomorrow, which may furnish us with some unplanned mini-concerts in the villages we pass.  Much love, BroK

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally jealous!! Looks like it is going to be an awesome trip. Sing your hearts out!!!
