Friday, January 18, 2013

Arrival in Ghana

Hello friends!

First post from the Collegiate Singers pre-concert tour.  It began for me inauspiciously, with a ticket problem that delayed my flight by one day.  Sister Kempton was very grateful, as was I, for an extra day with her during the early stage of her still slow recovery.  I cannot express to you how grateful I
have been for your generous donation of time and love to my family.  I am trying to express that gratitude to the Lord both in my prayers and in my efforts to prepare the ground here so that our tour can accomplish what He intends for us to accomplish. 

I can tell you now that great blessings are in store for us here, but also significant challenges.  The first couple of days I wondered, can we really do this?  I felt quite overwhelmed by all of it on the night of the third day.  I will share with you that I finally felt humble enough to place my efforts and will in the Lord's hands.  Today for the first time I felt a great peace, and renewed energy and hope.  I have felt your prayers and ask you to continue to pray for me and my colleagues as we try to complete our preparations before returning home. 

I will share with you today some faces, including the faces of the newest members of the Collegiate Singers: 25 Ghanaian Pathways students who survived a (brief) audition with me the other night in Accra.  They will join us for a concert on one or two songs.  Here they are, followed by the faces of others we met along the way.  Forgive the lack of fancy blog formatting, as this is my first attempt with a new (to me) software.  Later hopefully I will follow with other photos and discoveries for you to enjoy.  For now, much love, BroK


  1. Looks like we're going to have an amazing trip.

  2. What incredible pictures of a beautiful country and beautiful people. I know that everything will work out with the logistics. You and your family have been mentioned in every Collegiate prayer!
