Sunday, April 21, 2013

Walking on Air

Today, we went to church here in Cape Coast. It was wonderful to be around such faithful members of the church, and so comforting to have the same lesson we would be having back in the states!
The church is awesome like that! We are very spoiled in America with our air conditioned buildings. I think each of us lost 5 lbs of sweat just sitting there! But we wouldn't have it any other way. Our teachers were all great! We spent the rest of the day getting ready for a fireside this evening, and it was a full house! The Ghanaians are great. They radiate the spirit in a way few of us Americans can even fathom. People keep thanking us for our music, but it is us who thank THEM for their beautiful hearts full of love and joy. I know for myself, I could talk to the people all day long! Every single one of us are having one of the most amazing testimony anchoring experiences of our lives. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. And it's true in Ghana as well.

Yesterday morning, we went to the Kakum National Park. It has suspension bridges from the canopies in the rainforest. The choir had WAY too much fun! Enjoy our pictures.


  1. Isn't it wonderful that the Gospel is true wherever you go!? The pictures are wonderful! All of you stay well!

  2. Wow- you're right-way too much fun! It looks gorgeous there! It's great reading these blogs because they remind me that we are very blessed and we shouldn't forget it. At the same time, it's true that those who seem to have less-really have more; More love to give and light to shine and less distractions all around them. I wish we could all have this Ghanian experience with you- a good eye-opener :) So thank you for sharing it! And, hey good job- y'all blend right in to the scenery… :)

  3. These pictures bring back great memories! I traveled with BYU Singers on the same tour to Africa more than 10 years ago!!! It was a life-changing experience. We also went to Cape Coast, Kakum National Park, and to the temple grounds, because the temple was not built yet. I heard about your tour because I just sang in a concert Friday night with Nykele's mom and brother! I pray you are all safe as you share your music and testimonies.

  4. What glorious scenes mine eyes behold!
    Good news to earth have BYU-I Collegiate Singers borne,
    Which fills our souls with joy and peace.
    The Church is indeed true! wherever you go.
